I think sometimes I will take the road more traveled by, and I think not every digression from the beaten path makes all the difference. The less traveled path is more rough hewn and takes more energy to forage through, and sometimes I am tired. No, not every time, but now and then, I would to walk where many have gone before me, and the way is flatter. The path from which the thorny bushes have all been discovered and uprooted, a path I need not make myself through the undiscovered wilderness. I will take comfort in a road that has proven trusted and true for more than a few.
Like I say, not every time, for there are paths in one's life where you must make your own way in the world, and to escape all such adventure is a boring life, indeed. But I say, too, that the road more traveled by can give a certain satisfaction to go upon or else it would not be so traveled, after all. I come to two roads many times within the wood of my walking, and some divergings I take the road more traveled by and the difference? I believe there is something to be said about ordinary dreams, at times. That is difference enough, I think: ordinary miracles will oft suffice the day.
9:10am saturday, 28th december
Ha! You've been reading my diary again!
The road less travelled is much lonelier but it's satisfying when you make progress. Once you go down it you realise you've been there before and their are tricks and traps that only you can fall into because you've set them for yourself. Take it sometimes when you feel strong.