I don't think I can imagine the life of a prophet.
God having your brain on His speed dial, to call you up day or night.
To see the end of the world as if it happened yesterday.
6:09pm saturday, 18th january
Thank fuck he hasn't got MY number
healthy tense
12:27am sunday, 19th january
God's number is on my cel
i call at least daily,
for a few blissful minutes,
and as often as i can - or have to ;)
i wish more of us would,
maybe some new prophets would spring into our world, or at least keep it clean for the next one ... or few ...
or maybe just happier people in the next generation
12:06am monday, 20th january
I feel as if I have been contacted by god, I am seeing things before they are happening, so it seems as if fate that i came to this page today to realise that this world needs prophets.. hmmm....
2:39am monday, 20th january
Probably not, Kyle. That sounds like delusional thinking. Are you still on your meds?
3:42pm monday, 20th january
I am still on meds, that is why i am semi-sure that I have been contacted. The meds are supposed to stop delusional thinking, and usually I KNOW when I am delusional. Did that make sense?
3:43pm monday, 20th january
If god is a faith believed in with so little evidence, is it so hard to believe that prophets can be real even in our time?
3:48pm monday, 20th january
You know what they say: when you talk to God, that's called praying, but when God talks to you, that's schizophrenia. Sorry if I have my doubts, but like I say, that even with my meds, the madness never goes away completely. Make sure you're not deluding yourself, Kyle — or else you might do something strange based on what that "contact" tells you.
7:22pm monday, 20th january
Ok stand, I am feeling really good right now and I realise now that I was delusional, thanks Stand...