I dream of night that lasts beyond the end of my days. I dream of day that has no beginning. I dream of skies that scatter past the horizon. I dream of seas that no one has ever sailed. I dream of philosophies that no one dares to comprehend. I dream of poetry that rhymes with unknown fantasy. I dream of music that flows from undiscovered beauty. I dream of life that has never known suffering. I dream of death that is only an illusion of the end. I dream of love, and this is the strongest of all: I dream of love that never knew why, only that it has always been, and always will be.
3:42am monday, 3rd february
how strange it is Im in the same place you are...reading into the incredible labrynth of your mind, as you write even more... You're mind is a beautiful one....
3:46am monday, 3rd february
My chest sinks deep with having read every word from your thoughts. I'm not quite sure how I came across your webpage. I feel like I have opened a gate or some sort of rip in time. Is it by accident, or merely fate? This I do not know. Please keep writing...breathing...feeling the way you do.
10:50am monday, 3rd february
Nice words!
12:17am tuesday, 4th february
that is really beautiful what you think and how you write. i find this really interesting and deep. I didn't know people could recover from skitzofrania. my step sister has this disorder and i'm trying to find as much as i can about it. well good luck with your new life.