± H13.com - It Is Easy
It Is Easy12:01am friday, 7th february
It is easy to say, when you're not hurting, that the suffering will pass.

It is easy to promise the sun and the moon when you have nothing of your own to give.

It is easy to think no one understands, and sometimes hard to prove you wrong (even if it's not true).

It is easy to have potential when you're never pressed to prove that you have it.

It is easy to wear faith like a hat, just for show, subject to be blown off by any stiff wind.

It is easy to love someone at a distance, when you've airbrushed away every blemish in the image you have of them.

It is easy to ask why and never think to try and answer it.

  T-pex2:10pm friday, 7th february
It's easy to feel when you're not thinking what consequences it will bring to you and the ones involved.

  T-pex2:14pm friday, 7th february
I really find your web-site and your thoughts unique and deeply interesting. Keep writing!!!!

  me?!11:45am sunday, 9th february
Missed this yesterday, somehow.. Wont happen again cause this has become one of my favorites.

It is easy to judge instead of seeking the truth(coz it might be more than one can handle..)

I also want to post this following question hopeing you will take the time to answer. Am i wrong to say you are still sick? You say you are an EXschitzophrenic, but i am of the impression that one never entirely is to overcome the disease, when there yet is no cure. For how can one find the cure for somthing they know not the cause of... I thought the medicine only controled, not cured. Am i wrong? It is not my intension to provoke and if my question has been the cause of any discomfort, i appologise. For it is merily a question brought on by my ignorance..

  Stand11:54am sunday, 9th february
I have written before that no, it never completely goes away. I call myself ex- because there is much less of it than there once was, and I can function normally in life — no one can really tell that it's a part of me until I tell them, nowadays.

  me?!12:50pm sunday, 9th february
Hmmm.. youve made me think more than i have in a while.. i connot begin to comprehend where youre from and has been through in your illness, but i will say that i am glad you have "overcome" it.. though i have read through your writing there is still many things thats a bleur.. If i have understood you correctly you have found comfort in the Lord.. Met a lot of people who has lately, peaks my interest the courage or cowardness required to trust in something so vague or so strong. .. whatever rocks your boat.. And who am i to say what is the truth or more importantly what is not. ive come to see that the world is much more complex than i ever could have predicted a year ago. i find my life changes each day. so much for my training ey, i must addmit, your site does something with me. funny as hell, excause the language. happy to read your reply, brought on further understadning..for there is yet much i cannot seem to grasp.. this will not, if everything goes acording to plan, the last time we speak. until then.. (and i hope you have understanding with my unsteady language as i have not yet taken the advice of my English teacher and expanded my vocabulary. us Northfolk arent to strong in foreign language... :) Note for the day : Que sera, sera

  me?! AGAIN1:00pm sunday, 9th february
Yeah, almost forgot, thank tou for makeing this site. I think it helps some and intrigues some. Both is good and i guess you should feel proud, or something. Since its your doing i mean..
Ever thought on publishing a book or two, so us Internet-hmm-isnt that a planet in the solar system-people- can enjoy this profound peace of writing...???? Just a thought.. Looking forwards to further progress in this diary of yours.

  x2:38pm sunday, 9th february
me?! is right. This would make an excellent book.

  Stand2:00am monday, 10th february
Thanks much. I have considered publishing this journal in dead tree form; perhaps when I get to a place where I feel I've written enough. Not yet.

  x8:31am monday, 10th february
Let us know when. I'll buy a copy.

  me?!12:42pm monday, 10th february
Ill join you x in bying a copy.
And it was for real, i really think you have what it takes to make it in the book-publishing buisness!! Jus look at all tha people here- youve touched lives with this story of yours..
Best be gettin back. There is knowledge out there with my name on it :) Better go grasp it. *with Linkin Park surging through my ears i pick up my MD and set off -there is much to do)
Please do take care out there yall, a lot of crazy people out there you know :D
(irony,get it :) )
So long,me gonne....

  me?!12:45pm monday, 10th february
Me being an ignoramus and all i ask you enlightened people( :) ) what dead tree form is ? You know, my english...
Now i really am leaving, CUL8R

  Stand5:48pm monday, 10th february
Paper is made from dead trees, so a book, whose pages are made of paper, would be a dead tree form of this site, were it to be published in "real life".

  me?!8:07pm monday, 10th february
Yeah, my IQ once more show itself :)
Should have figured that one out, but your answer is warmly welcomed and i thank you for the enlightening reply..

  Anonymous11:49pm monday, 10th february
Its kind of funny how something so obvious when relized can heal....
It is easy to love someone at a distance, when you've airbrushed away every blemish in the image you have of them.
Thank you for your words

  jen9:44pm wednesday, 12th february
absolutely amazing!!!! you really should consider publishing a book soon. i really enjoy reading through this site. it is possibly one of my new-found favorites. keep it up!!:)

  blondie8:38pm tuesday, 18th february
i find this entry more than intriging and will be back to rad more. Cuz, i was just scrolling down the opage and this caught my eye. My gandmother is a shcizophrenic. So this makes me feel good looking at all this stuff. Thanks for your brilliance. And if i were you i would feel a little offended by that comment made by "me?!". But if you wern't then that is good for you!!!!!

  Raven6:27pm thursday, 20th february
That is so true.

People say Schizophrenia is a mental

I think it's a gift to see the world
a diffrent way.
{Wouldn't You Agree!}
I am not insane I gess I see the abnormal point of me. Wicked!

  rajeshchanana@hotmail.com8:42am wednesday, 30th july
need all the info i can get on this illness plz help

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