± H13.com - Night or Dawn?
Night or Dawn?1:12am tuesday, 25th february
I imagine that dawn shines the brightest when it follows the darkest of nights. What shall we remember, then, the night or the dawn? Surely, both may be retained, but I think one or the other would have prominence in our heart. When I, for instance, finally emerged from the pit of my madness, I wished not to recall it at that time. I wanted to move on, look to the future — fulfill some of the potential I had had before the whole row began, and some new potential I had acquired from my experiences within the pit. It took me a long time before I wanted to recall anything of that past psychosis (note that I recovered in 1997, but this journal first appeared in 2001). The dawn, for me, is better remembered.

I have not always been so, I think. I think that night had more fascination for me at certain points in my life. It is not the case now, though: I cannot cling on to that cold, dark mother any more; let light, instead, cast its rays through me the whole way, that nothing need be secret anymore; dawn has warmed the bones of my soul, and I am ready if another night should ever fall upon me.

  me?!6:54am tuesday, 25th february
Good for you,Stand!! Too many i guess are to caught up in the darkness of the night that they close also for the light shining.Guess we all do at one point or another..
Quite a powerful pice of writing from you there,Stand!

  me?!7:09am tuesday, 25th february
Who Watches the Watchmen? was awesome,really cracked me up,good one..hehe

  anon.x9:55am tuesday, 25th february
dawn is definately most prominent in my heart as well, it's the turning point from darkness to lightness, you have a split second of the two at the same time. this is a true representation, nobody is pure in the light or the dark, nobody is one or the other, but we have all been there, or so i believe.

  me?!6:58am wednesday, 26th february
I must admit i was kinda sorry when finding you had not written today,yet.Had kinda been looking forwards to it,has become a habit to check this site before starting the day..
Aciously antisipating, me?!

  Stand7:22am wednesday, 26th february
I generally take Wednesday and Sunday off, so you might want to skip those days. Cheers.

  me?!8:24am wednesday, 26th february
Ill bare that in mind...Its just that it has become a habit, so i kinda strang not finding anything, but you are perfectly intiteled to in, I mean even God took a day off :)
cul8r, Peace and mich luv to the world!!

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