More with birds, something based on an experience which really happened in my life:
There was this one time I was in a forest in Korea when I heard a snap in a tree above. I looked up into that tree and beheld a bird on a branch which cracked right off and arced down with him captured on it — the frozen second as he began his backwards dive — his fall as wings pieced together a catching air and then full flaps into ascent and away. It was stunning. It was magic.
Here is trust: the bird had had trust that the branch would hold, but it did not — with the skill of his wings, he needed instead to fly — new trust then fired that he would not fall, for he did not fall. That is the greater trust.
Such is faith, I think: when a branch breaks out from under you, look to the wings you have. Wings we do all have.
1:45am friday, 28th september
I went to therapy today. I outlined for my therapist all the events which related to my madness from 1991 summer to the present, and it was really nice. Really nice to be able to let some of this stuff out. She's having me write it down, and I'll get to that this weekend, I believe. I'll probably start with the stuff I've written on this site already, and go from there. Voices so-so today -- not too loud, not too quiet.
3:33pm tuesday, 28th may
Who is my catcher in the rye,
When I fall whom am I?
A Prophet will warn of impending doom,
to all the others in the room,
Jesus is there to guide me through,
even when Life seems not so true,
God will always deliver me, when I am blind and can not see.
Who am I when I fall,
These are my wings That is all.
5:26pm sunday, 28th september
I share a strong kinship with birds...they are free to soar above, but for now they are kind enough to sing me to safety...brave enough to carry me over the wave. I know one day I will return the favor in flight. Birds are my infinity. Birds are my wonder and hope...I believe not in God but in birds.
4:08pm thursday, 8th april
Lyrics from the band "James"
When you let me fall
Grew my own wings
Now I'm as tall as the sky
When you let me drown
Grew gills and fins
Now I'm as deep as the sea