Who of you dare say he knows the secret to what love is?
Yet none would deny there is a place in the heart where it is clear:
here was love, here is love, and I know it is so: this is love.
6:56am wednesday, 12th march
Wont argue on that one... But in an age of 15-23 you arent supposed to know what llove is.How can a 16-year old say hes in love when he in fact knows nothing of it. Love is something one must experience before one can give it to others i believe.Its sad then that such a powerful word is misused to the extent it is,it makes it difficult to see when it really comes...well,love sure is funny...
9:04am wednesday, 12th march
how can you put an age limit on when you can experience love?! from the moment we are born we start loving our parents, siblings, friends. no one can ever define love it is as individual as a figerprint. we all love in different ways, and can only judge this on past experiences. a 16yr old can love and can be in love. it may be that he learns later in life that he has loved some more than he has others. just as you cannot define love, you cannot put an age limit on it eaither.
9:26am wednesday, 12th march
Who said that between 15-23 you can't know what love is? What about Romeo and Juliet?
11:39am wednesday, 12th march
When saying from 16-23 i merily was trying to state that youth,in my opinion does not really know what love is.What has one that age experienced from life,not an awful lot i should think(exeptionsexist,i am fully aware)..but more importantly i was trying to emphasise that the phrase ´ilove you´is worn out and misused. As for my statement it stands,youth(me included)cannot be in love like that a fiftyyear old who has really lived can,IN MY OPINION...though they at the time might feel it very strongly.Forget the age i posted,that was stupid.A failed effort to pinpoint the age,for that i admit is hard to pinpoint and very individual.Dont get off at it,i dont claim to know anything,i have no answers,no facts to back this up,it was merily my reaction on the poem Stand posted.
12:11pm wednesday, 12th march
But please do keep spreading love to your surroundings,that keeps the world from cracking up entirely!!
And for all those really in love at an early age,who prove my opinion wrong,i am happy. To make it more clear what i waned to say : all (should) feel love!! Different ages calls for different types of love,n´est ce pas? The love a person with many years on his back feels will certainly be very unlike that of a youth!? Years makes all the difference in the world i shoul think.And i do believe the love carried on the wings of age is superior to that who has just learned to fly.At the same time the wisdom about love provided by years can not be accomlished without the first tumbeling steps into love...Kinda like learning by doing,only in the beginning you have nothing to compare to,but the experiences made there will set the ground for the love to come,kinda,now i got myself wondering...hmm complicated stuff this,yall might be right for all i know,what do i know, ey.Peace out..
2:07pm wednesday, 12th march
i see where your coming from, and definately agree to some extent. but i still believe that you can be in love at a young age, if you only have the feelings you are experiencing to compare what love may be, by.
and it may be true, what you say that love is acomplished through time, but love is love. pure, and simple.
sorry, just my opinion. you rely on the fact that we can control our lives, i believe in love.
7:48am thursday, 13th march
Think we both understand eachother,but have a different opinion,thats just normal...