I dream of a day where I do not dream of a day. A day that is sufficient unto itself of which I need not look ahead (or look back), where I can be there, then, and be satisfied just that I am. Is such a day merely a myth? I have heard tell of moments that people experience where — just for those moments — nothing is wrong, everyone is well, nothing is overdue, and all stress has fallen by the wayside — but just stories of them. When I did drugs, I experienced many points disguised in the garb of those moments, but such times were merely illusions — the world could have been crashing down around me, and I just would not have cared. To get some peace without such nullifiers, one has to push aside all the things pressing down on you and breathe that temporary air — just a few puffs before all those things re-encroach on your calm. However far you push those pressures away, they're always there, impatient to get back at it.
Maybe a day of hush is just a dream, after all, but it is a good one. I think I will keep dreaming of it, in the scant seconds between this task and that — it's not like I could stop that dreaming if I wanted to.
9:05am thursday, 20th march
To live entirely in the now is a goal of mine but one where I've never quite suceeded. Occasionally the beauty of the natural world has taken me there, but not for long.
9:17am thursday, 20th march
Yeah,i wonder also. Maybe it exist nowhere but in the high of something,that`s what i think anyway...
quieter zeal
2:31am friday, 21st march
hi. i think maybe there's a few different possibilities to find those relative moments of (nearly?) total peace ... one would be when a person is totally involved in everything that is a blessing: work, art, music, scriptire, all in a consistent and intelligent way, a constant flux ... another might be the release of concentrating on one creative work that represents something good for everybody, like totally absorbed into that one really good task ... also maybe the peak of joy that couples experience in their romancing, alas, not many of us can find that third one .... thank God for everything good