There are days when I am truly uninspired. When I feel like talking to no one, when I don't even feel like thinking, when I wish I could just turn my brain off — sleep, maybe, for a week or so. I can usually function at work on half a brain, I think, with just three of my six cylinders in motion at any given time; and no one seems to notice, so that's what I do. I believe I am not alone, other people must go through these times, too, when the weight of routine seems too much to bear. Those days like that Barenaked Ladies' lyric: "you try to scream/But it only comes out as a yawn". Yeah, today is definitely one of those days. One of those days that just threatens never to end, like you're trapped in some infinite loop of dullness.
I suppose it's not as bad as all that, though. If I didn't think about it, maybe if I actually do something with my time instead of complaining about it, the lull would liven up. I just have to suppress the urge, I think, to just get up from my seat, start walking, and hitchhike around the world. Or something like that: just leave, not look back. Hm. Actually, no, I think I have not such the courage to do that, or the lull is not quite so bad that it prompts such a desperate measure. One day at a time: (I think I have written this before) that's the whole problem, there. Some days I would like to bunch together and take on two or three at a time, just to get them over with. Oh, well. I have my health, at least. Knock wood.
10:37pm wednesday, 16th april
Stand,just so you know,i am gonna leave all my material possesions behind and start a life as a vanderer.With nothing but the clothes on me i`ll pace aimlessly around,camping under the moon.I`ll earn only what is required to survive,a hand-to-mouth philosophy,as i like to call it.So,join me,all of you.When forgotten how to live,break your routines,be bold,act as if you know not of reason.That,my friends,that is what i call life.That would give meaning to your life,and never again would you have to uninspired.Because you would see all the wonders of the world,and never would you even wish to return to the life you left behind.A life without meaning is not a life worth living...