I wonder if it is true, that we leave it all behind. I mean, if there is an afterlife, that we will think no more of this sky, and this earth. That nothing of this world will survive us passing on. It is my feeling, when I step back from everything for a moment, that this life is only a test, a preparation only for the things we are truly meant for — for eternity, where we really belong. As the grown-up puts away the toys of his childhood, perhaps we will put away all the temporal things of this life when we are faced with that thing which we vaguely term, "forever". And as a child fantasizes of his adult life, what it might mean to be grown, I will wonder at the life beyond life; and I think I will find it most different than what I imagine now, just as the adult finds his time of age not as he thought in those years back, wide-eyed at the prospect of it all.
3:36am thursday, 1st may
I also believe that this life is just a test. I believe that spirituality is so much more important than the reality we create around ourselves. what i mean is -a lot of us spend our lives building a future for our families or simply working a 9-5 job five days a week never letting the importance of our inner spirit cross our minds we only see (mentally) what we can touch. we put so little faith in what we cannot see or touch. never truly taking a look around and realizing maybe it is not so much the situations we face in life vs how we deal with them.
11:05am thursday, 1st may
Rational thinking(lat. ratio)is something we need very much today.We can`t just give up all that for something we can`t even prove is there...And where would we be if we didn`t work the 9-5 jobs supporting our families??I would very much like to give it all up,but I have faced the facts,society today is built up around one thing;money,without it you have nothing.Without it you cannot eat or live comfortably or have children(cause you can`t provide education or food etc),basically you can`t live...Kimberly,it is with a heavy heart I say this,it just aren`t enaugh time for all that spirituality,at least that is my experience..
5:57pm thursday, 1st may
I do beleive that you are correct in some way. we really do need money,but... money is not all we need. when a sisuation in life spirals out of our control for insist the first thing people usually do is call on God-"oh God if you get me out of this mess...." i just don't think that anyone's life is so busy that they cannot devote a little time to exploring their own spirituality. I think it is as much a neccesity as having money.
7:08am friday, 2nd may
I too understand what you are thinking of,but my statement stands...Society has got its values all wrong,deep down many want to think of the spirituality,but time is of the essence,and therefore we stand before a choice;to put up with all the strain hopeing to someday be rewarded,or simply quit thinking about it.Listen I don`t think this is the propher place to have this debate,and it is not my agenda to talk down on Christiannity(especially since it once possessed a big part of my heart).I just think that we have set the grounds all wrong,from childhood our minds are raped and money is put high up there as the one and only,the ultimate.I say only that I very much see why so many turn away from it all.Money and God are not the best combination if you have any clue to what I am talking about...just my opinion based on my time here on earth,I understand you feel differently,and I respect it(and even envy you).
7:15am sunday, 27th march
12:39am monday, 16th may
My life has always been hopeless.
I have this feeling that I should not have been born. Oblivion {nothingness),
seems good. A test for the next torture seems bad and the next torture seems worse.I can never win. Is it just me, or do most peoples lives seem moronic really, honestly?