What time is it? It is time to plan, time to dream, time to hope, time to wonder. There are instances in our lives when for some reason we feel refreshed, almost like a second childhood, when the world is our oyster again. We surely reap what we sow, and it is time to sow — let us be wise for once and plant good grain. What the future holds it is not ours to control, but let us be ready for anything. Let us lift our hearts from off the ground and fall in love with everything; let us find the rhyme to all that we know, a rhythm to all our passions. Let not life pass us by, not this time: we will seize the day in one big embrace and discover joy anew. It is time, yes, it is such a time — I imagine that great and wonderful things have come from humble moments such as this.
11:55am sunday, 4th may
Tears rolled down my face as I read this(and that takes quite a lot actually).Gosh,you really know how to put emotions into words!I too will sow,and this year even all the misfortune in the universe cannot make my grain rott.I`ll pass on the word,and maybe,just maybe we will see a chainreaction throughout the world where everybody sow good grain!!!