We need not wait. We can do something, right now. I don't know what it took in my life to realize this, but realize it I now do: none of us need be bystanders along the road of life: any little bit that we can accomplish is something. Even if there is no one around, we still have ourselves whom we can be kind to — and when was the last time we did that, give a little kindness to ourselves? This life will not come again, so I think we must give living a try; though we may make mistakes, let us not come to the end of it all and discover not that we have tried and failed, but never made the attempt. What is a life where we never take the plunge, to do something? I think perhaps many of us wait for the chance to be a hero, or a saint, some cosmic lottery doling out the easy win; but true heroes and saints know that the miracle lies in a life lived day to day, to do what one can with what we have at this moment, right now.
Be nice to someone, perhaps to someone you've never given a second glance to. When you're passing by a homeless person on the street — hey, why not give that person your spare change? Forgive someone, and I know you probably have at least one person whom you've had a grudge against for some time: you'll feel so much better if you let it go. We only have today; yesterday and tomorrow are only abstractions of memory and planning; today is the only time we're ever given to make something happen. What comprises what we are than the decisions we make? And how little will make up our soul if we let today slip by, always waiting for the miraculous break that never comes, not, instead, to make something of what we have? Take a chance. You might like it.
9:29am tuesday, 3rd june
Your poem is great.And I will for one do as you said.I`ve already given away my spare change,I always do.But I`ve come to realize that doing something good or right often makes you feel bad,strange as it might sound.Not alway of cause.But to the person one shows careing to and gives attention to,I guess it`s worth a few bad attemts.nice poem,smart of you to write what you did-I think we do need a kick in the behind sometimes.