There are times, when I am under great duress, when I feel I'm going to snap, as if I'm on the edge of losing my grip on things. Maybe you've felt such as I, but perhaps you don't know what lies on the other side — a place I inhabited for some time. It is tempting to just let go, just to break, but I desire to hold on: I don't particularly want to go back to babbling at little cartoons running through my mind's eye. I take a sip of tea, inhale deeply, and cope. That sort of process, perhaps, you know as well. Just a note, though, to those who have never been elsewhere: sanity is worth it. Problems don't go away if you lose your grip and let it all slide; you get other problems — of perhaps a more transcendental nature, but problems, nonetheless; it is better to try and handle real problems than imaginary ones. One thing I have learned through my suffering is that all suffering passes: I look back at my pain and it seems almost as if I dreamed it. Almost. The memories are real enough that however I can, I get a grip, and hold on for dear life. Something I recommend.
Morgan W. Brown
7:06pm saturday, 19th july
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