These tragic lives that we lead: sometimes we question what they lead to. Sometimes we wonder that mundane and eternal why, of why we press on when the tide is never in our direction, when the wind blows constantly upon our faces, when all we see ahead is the gloomy sky that never brightens. But when I wonder these things, I imagine that an eternity of not being at all cannot sum up to one moment of the most random, boring life, that just to be is a gift without measure. Life, the most tragic of lives — even these have some day in the sun, even these have experienced a sunset sky when for a few fleeting minutes, all was right with the world. Let us not forget the good, when all seems dark; to have a life at all... it is easy to forget that that is a miracle in the truest sense.
10:34pm monday, 18th august
you're so awesome....
9:01am tuesday, 19th august
yupp,guess you`re right ..
1:26am saturday, 30th august
you are right on!!!
8:46am monday, 13th june
Oh boy, I do feel that this is a marvelous statement and it has made me feel good again. Amen.