Which way do I go? The signs are oftentimes uncertain.
The highway to destruction looks to be like any other road.
And salvation's road is the rockiest, least traveled, uphill.
8:58pm wednesday, 3rd september
You are only as poor as your state of mind
I figured this out, finally, after toting a long haul of excessive baggage.
I find myself taking the rocky road, least traveled, and uphill, and this road eventually leads me to a highway of destruction. I am hard on myself, thinking that my life is unimportant, I have wasted potential, belahhh belahh, but then again, it's just my frame of mind. I've met bums and beggars happier than me...happier than me.
Interesting...which way do we all go.
I read a quote the other day.
An artist must paint, a dancer must dance, a pianist must play the piano, a writer must write...to fill your yearning and to conquer your infinite and deep sadness...one must do what they do best to fill their souls.
Well, that's kind of the quote, you get the jist.
I admire anybody who goes for what they want. That drive and ambition and dedication. We all have it, some of us are just LAZY, like me....I'll admit it. I bitch about life and simutatneously wait for the silver platter. I'm all about instant gratification and so far, it hasn't worked out for me. Magine that.
Take care of yourself...don't take life too seriously...look around from time to time, the world actually spins around it's own axis...and this whole time I thought it revolved around me.