± H13.com - Focus
Focus12:04am tuesday, 16th september
My thoughts, these days, have not had much focus. For months, I was like a laser in concentration, starting to work on some ideas I had right after my day job (even on the train home, not even waiting till I got home). Now, though, I don't know, my dreams don't drive me as they once did. It might have something to do with my desire to leave the country and settle in Korea, for that is a major thing, that takes mental energy to consider — but even that I have not held as tightly to the fore of my consciousness. What is it? What did I have that I have lost? Or did I lose nothing at all, really, that this big fade is natural to he who pushes himself so hard for so long? What am I to make of this, this cloud that hangs over me?

It's probably some simple thing that is making me this way. I probably just need to exercise more or some such. If I think back, I can see that I have had other times like this, days and nights of lull after a period of intense and single-minded fix on this idea or that. I just wonder, that is all: what is it that moves me and then stops, what is the spirit that possesses me and then lets go? "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans," John Lennon said. And oh, how I have planned. These ideas that I have sweated on: they are nothing but plans, nothing concrete, as of yet. But these plans are — were — things that lit my senses, which made life sweeter to live. I miss them, that's all.

  x8:03am tuesday, 16th september
Strange how life goes along in waves;peaks,troughs, ocasionally hitting the doldrums or being swept away and carried along. You just have to accept that that's the way it is I think.

I'm starting an evening class on buliding a website, any advice? I ask you because I really like the clean purity of your design.

  Stand7:26am wednesday, 17th september
Try not to put too many doodads on your site, things you might think are neat but have no purpose. Try to have a function for everything, if that function be only visual in nature.

  x7:41am wednesday, 17th september
Thank You.

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