My visions seldom explain themselves. I see something in my head, and I wonder if this is madness, or is it inspiration? Or is it possible that it is neither, and it be merely a stray picture created by wishful thinking — is it just my imagination? Perhaps I have taken my visions too seriously. Perhaps none signify of deadly portent, that I may view the images and feelings as one would treat the dreaming of a child: encourage if you can, but don't expect it to mean anything much. I can never be sure, though. If it be of the madness, I would have to shut the vision out with all my strength, yet if it be of inspiration, I should pursue it to the ends of the earth. I wonder which of these three my phantasms are. Maybe it all depends on me; if I can make it work, then it was not merely a daydream, nor was it madness, after all — a stepping stone from the infinite, it said not what it was so that I might learn what makes a miracle.
11:20pm tuesday, 2nd march
2:00am sunday, 24th april
to think one is either seeing things in their head and for someone to say that they are hearing voices which of these two would you say was crazy case one or case two?