What is meaning? I have asked this question of myself numerous times, from different angles, for different reasons. In my madness — o the flood of it: the littlest things signifying cosmic (un)realities. But that's another story.... Knowledge in its most stripped form is one thing mapped to another thing. This means that. But the mystery is the substance of which all mental things are composed of; what is this? what is means? what is that? And technically, mental things are all we ever deal with — even the physical cannot be known to us except through the mind. Meaning is everything, and paradoxically, seems to be nothing. Maybe it is fundamentally only a grand map of things pointing to other things, these pointing to other things, and at ground, made only of these arrows.... Myself, I will keep asking the question, for it never stopped me that other people have been asking for thousands of years, and still don't know.
4:12pm saturday, 20th march
All philosophy is, esentially, is playing algebra with knowledge and wisdom, trying to find answers
4:37pm saturday, 20th march
Interesting thought... algebra...
7:51pm saturday, 20th march
yeah, people represent variables, basic knowledge represents set numbers and wisdom = equasions, philosophy takes that basic wisdom and works it around and around changing variables, (all on paper) moving things to get different solutions to the unanswered questions. but people are not the basic variable, there is no number line, or even an imaginary plane, there are infinite complexities under which people fall, certain aspects apply to certain equasions, those that can make equasions that they, themselves, and many other people can fall under become our religious leaders
7:23am sunday, 21st march
it takes much more to become a religious leader than to play algebra