± H13.com - Seen
Seen6:19am thursday, 6th may
I have seen much, but have understood so little of it:
mysterious messages from nowhere, visions of other worlds....
Storms have passed over me, I only to know of their ruins.

  Rich5:02am friday, 7th may
There is so much subconcious of the mind, if we tryed to comprehend all we have done, our meditation wouldnt end.

  Katherleen11:50am saturday, 15th may
Its as if I was doing the thinking and you the writing. You are not alone. Our angels of love and compassion never leave our sight and help us when we are not able to help ourselfs. Our minds are filled with so many unanswerd questions, what we fill in as the answers, is who we become. As we are who we believe ourselfs to be. You are lucky to be so unique! Gods speed.

  ace6:36am monday, 13th december
Of the sin of creation we all are
condemed to death because of the
coruption. We are all of the same body ad mind.The christ teaches us patianst and forgiveness . and it still remains.
I tell you this genneration will be
th jument of life or death eternal.

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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