I think I'm okay again. And really, this time, I was never really that out of it. I don't even know if I'd classify this as another "episode" or not. I'm thinking not quite; like I said, I didn't do anything too stupid. So, let me try and leave this place again, and once again, if the madness rears its ugly haunches another time, then I will be back to let you know what's (been) going on. My life is pretty good right now, and I think if I stay on the medication (for at least a good while from now), all will be well. I guess that's the last little thing I will leave you with: don't be so overconfident, after the madness seems to have subsided, that you can do without the things that enable your sanity. Like your medication. There are other things, too, I am sure. I will chalk this up as a lesson in humility. Count it all joy, and all that. So, goodbye again.
For now.
5:27pm sunday, 8th august
Ah,the best of luck to you and those in your life. Like you, i am recovering, it seems. I experienced that to rediscover life, to be able to live again, I had to distance myself from life. I stepped out of the circle of Life and Death, and flew with Angels for a while.
I will leave you theese words of encouragement ;
You cannot write your name on the walls of Eternity
Nor can you change the past
But by shaping your future
you can give your legacy eternal life
And avoid being swallowed by the tides of sand
The question is not what life can give you
but what you can give life
Time is blind, shows no mercy
It stands accountable to noone
Build your house of Cards on solide ground
and pray it can stand firmly through the storm
Your life is founded on the legacy of your ancestors
Cherish their wisdom, honour their words
Take pride in continuing what they began
They entrusted in you all that they knew
like a torch they lit up the path you walk
so that you would not be led astray
Earn your place on the walls of History
be fuel to the flame of Life
be a brick in the masterpiece yet to be finished
For sharing, I thank you.
1:51pm thursday, 19th august
Thank You
2:06pm wednesday, 25th august
wish you all the best
5:24am friday, 27th august
i know you can make it stand
7:34am friday, 27th august
Note: I haven't died or anything, and I will still be checking back from time to time to look at any further comments. Note that I will always be available by email (look at the bottom of the page) if anyone ever needs help. Cheers.
p.s. It's going swimmingly with me, if you wanted to know.
7:14pm monday, 6th september
From Lima, Peru, the best to you.
6:43pm wednesday, 8th september
good luck, keep your feet on the ground, if that's what makes you happy
4:24pm thursday, 23rd september
Regardless of any idealogy or understanding we all know that an acomplishment gives us esteem if we feel it is acknowledged. If not acknowledged we resent. If we are dismissed or degreded as we attempt to accomplish we had better be strong to remain of healthy mind and have an arbitrator or friend to keep us balanced. Anger and hatred are a necesary emotion to be balanced just as love and admiration must not be blind.
I do not know anything for sure yet when ever I have trouble or have mental anguish I work a little harder. It does not help but keeps me occupied untill the storm passes and things get done.
Surely no matter the cause or source of anguish our god given nature is of great significence in dealing with and coping. Friends and family. We will suffer or benifit from them regardless of any understanding or acknowledgement of their significence or existence.
Be strong and stay busy. Being strong means the ability to make a stand. Makinging a stand requires the ability to understand that no one can remain iccocent if they make decisions. Makinging decisions that affect others force one into a position of accusation. That is where stregnth come in and if one is not strong it is no sin nor any debasement unless one is disloyal or resentful of those relied upon.
I am a follower and proud to support one that needs my help and support. I respest those making dsecisions and taking the heat. I do not resent authority nor accuse the leader of egotism as their motive for wanting to lead. After all "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity" WE CANNOT ESCAPE SELF
Cultural norms of right and wrong as well as laws are how I judge myself and others.
I asked a friend from China once "when does the shit end"? He replied "When we die"
I know that I have no clue of you battle or needs yet surely the above applies to us all.
I believe none of us can weather every storm without help and help from a stranger is unique in that it gives a sense that there is a universal good that we all can recogonize and promote but beware evil.