± H13.com - Wings
Wings12:50pm tuesday, 14th december
There is such knowledge
that I think comes
when one looks within,
and casts away
all preconceived theoreticals,
desires truly to
see beyond the veils of dust
that hide the eyes
from that which is fearfully
and wonderfully made:
our true selves, when for once
we can be free to unfold
the wings within our spirits,
and fly to the secret of light.

  Rich3:41am wednesday, 15th december
good to have you back stand.

  Bart7:27pm wednesday, 15th december
sounds like real humanism.

  kittie6:05am monday, 20th december
Hi Stand, I'm curious about your new site which you are keeping a secret. I would really like to see it, are you ever going to post the name of it so I can check it out?

  Stand11:21am tuesday, 21st december
Hm. My new site is under my real name, and not my pseudonym, so I can't post it here. I only let a select few on both my public and secret sites (this one, actually, is the secret one). Send me an email promising never to reveal my real name to anyone, and if you make a good enough case maybe I'll let you know my true identity. (Heh. True identity. Makes me sound like a comic book hero....)

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