As I age, I notice at least this one advantage in my accumulating years: I understand better as time goes on about the subtleties of the world. When I was young, perhaps it was so that candy tasted sweeter, the sun shone brighter, and my step had more bounce — but I find as I look at such a common thing as asphalt, I see things I before never paid attention to, which escaped my blunt eye of youth. It was not so many years ago that I noticed the intricate granularity of asphalt, how the many grains existed instead of the relatively even gray that before I had only known the stuff as. I marvel at the detail I now see about so many more things. The subtleties: this is what I look forward to in my advancing age. The more I live, the more I understand the littler things of this universe, the more I sense the minutia. There is always more than meets the eye; this I discover slowly, bit by bit.