I have desired, in my time, to capture the flickering of shadows in the cup of my hand. To balance upon my fingertips the papers on theories of man, and to make them dance in the tune of the anima mundi. But I did not understand then — what magic really is. I imagined that parlor tricks that involved no sleight of hand, something to make one say “wow” without there being deception involved... a child’s notion of it was all there was to it. But I learned later that how anything functions at all, how one may achieve things by trying: that is the true magic. Einstein said that what was most incomprehensible are that things are comprehensible. I say that the corollary to that aphorism is what is the most amazing in the world is that we do not think this datum amazing: that things work. Not just any one thing, but everything. Wonders of the world there are so many we do not consider them wonders anymore. Ever think it? Magic only needs you to look to see it — everywhere.
2:16am sunday, 10th july
I'll give you a reasoning of magic.Does the world really need tv.Does the world really need computers.I wonder if Jesus made wine for a reason.I also wonder what happens when you live with schiz for so long, with out meds, and you train your brain for yrs with constant meditation,honest(I'd say I've lived 2yrs in constant meditation,but once you can turn your mind off at will,its like fuck, theres got to be more than this, so I said fuckit, I'm me and thats who I am.
2:23am sunday, 10th july
It sounds cheesy,but I grew up on a street, where the corner house, was a house for schiz(I don't like that word, I'm gonna change it to people, that don't want to be president.)I've learned from myself, the world doesn't have to be this way.Although all the world leaders don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes.Stand and I, Know how deep the rabbit hole goes.(Its a scary thing sometimes!)
2:30am sunday, 10th july
On the other hand, You'd be bored as fuck!
12:46pm monday, 11th july
I don't like that word, I'm gonna change it to people, that don't want to be president...