Where dreaming leads us, often, it cannot take us back home.
Stranded, we are left to our own wits, and some of us will stay lost.
But still, we find we go where the vision calls, never learning....
3:18pm saturday, 30th july
Ahh, but the dreamland is so sweet, like the kiss of your first love.
3:25pm sunday, 31st july
Hey y'all, check out johnnyhollow.com. Its a pretty cool sight with music, and riddles.Good if your bored.
12:41pm monday, 1st august
"I seem forsaken and alone
I hear the lion roar
And every door is shut but one
And that is Mercy's door"
-William Cowper (1731-1800)
I think the image of the lion is Christ. He does not decieve, if you are lost he is able to give clarity, but his mercy can be demanding. All paths into the future, all probabilities narrow until there is just one,- the passage that he has chosen for you.
I wonder about dreams, choice, and control. I can choose a dream that I dream for myself. Or I can open myself to the Otherworld, and accept a dream that someone with more goodness and wisdom has dreamed for me. Not in my family, not in my classes at school, was I ever instructed on how to listen for a lion's roar.
9:42pm monday, 1st august
What if you've entered the dreamworld, and are having sex with a woman from the dream world.The official name for this is (succubus).How can you cantrol that? (and should you want to control that? from a mans perspective.)I'm waiting for your answer strawberry.
1:06am tuesday, 2nd august
Ha! Ha! When I laugh this hard my eyes automatically squinch up and close tight.
2:04am tuesday, 2nd august
I have four guides from the otherworld. There may be more, but these are the only ones whom I have officially met.
Two of the four I have seen in dreams. I have rare dreams I call "teaching dreams" where I learn something that is very important about morality, duty or human nature that stays with me when I wake.
I don't know what a man's wet dream is like. But in my woman's version of a wet dream there is usually first a courtship or period of "falling in love" with the dream man or woman before the sex and/or orgasm. The sex part is usually the shortest part of my dream. When I wake what is remembered with pleasure is the story plot of a shy courtship, the secret yearnings, the first kiss, and most of all, the building of love and how an emotional attraction leads helplessly and inevitably to physical sex. In short, I am a woman and it is my emotional need to have courtship before sex - both in real life and in dreams.
The man I love in reality is named Mike. But the man I have best loved in a dream is named Titus. (No surprise, Titus has a lot a lot in common with Mike! But I did met Titus first.) He is one of my guides and his image has changed over time as I have come to understand different parts of his nature. I mentioned once having a Reiki healing from a Reiki master. Well, during that healing a new aspect of Titus was revealed to me (while I was awake with the healer) that was non-sexual and rather fatherly and mature. But until then, whenever I "saw" Titus in my mind's eye he was always naked and laughing. A young, happy, silly, laughing, teasing, beautiful naked man. It would be wrong to call him a succubus because there is nothing evil about him. In his simple, immature incarnation, Titus finds pure joy in the human condition. Trust me, I tried to imagine him with clothing on and he wouldn't let me do it. I was a bit horrified to have a stark naked spiritual guide.
I do not fear Titus and I would love to have him come to me again in a dream. But if it were him, and not just my dreaming of love and desire, then there would be a "teaching" involved. And I have no idea what the lesson would be.
There is a very simple part to spiritually that I am starting to trust more. This is that your wish, if spoken ernestly, will be answered. Prayer is a form of speaking, and it brings fullfillment while simply wanting and needing and desireing rarely do. It is hard to predict how or when or in what form a prayer will be answered, but if you want to make love to a beautiful woman who is simply full of the unashamed joy of physical life, then all you need do is ask for it. Ask for a dream.