± H13.com - Therapy
Therapy12:28am monday, 19th november
Part of the self-created therapy I put myself through after my first breakthrough was a series of poems praising God and Jesus. The following is my favorite:
"To the Lord, with Love"

Slight understatement, each superlative I use;
meek slices of thought are they all. I may
say, "Holy, Holy, Holy," to the end of the world
and not have understood a finger of what Thou art.
What can I say to the sky to comprehend the
blue it is? Thou, the Infinite Love,
where can I find a poem grand enough to robe Thee?
What wrought phrase frames the unspeakably Good,
what coined conceit can fly close to Thy Flame?
I am but a beggar in my prayers, my Lord.
Forgive me this try. Forgive me this try.
Let me never forget, my Lord, how deep was the pit was you pulled me from.

  Snuckle8:45pm tuesday, 20th november
Therapy...now there's a conundrum.

  Anonymous3:52am wednesday, 30th october
Beautiful. Thank you.

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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