Part of the self-created therapy I put myself through after my first breakthrough was a series of poems praising God and Jesus. The following is my favorite:
"To the Lord, with Love"
Slight understatement, each superlative I use;
meek slices of thought are they all. I may
say, "Holy, Holy, Holy," to the end of the world
and not have understood a finger of what Thou art.
What can I say to the sky to comprehend the
blue it is? Thou, the Infinite Love,
where can I find a poem grand enough to robe Thee?
What wrought phrase frames the unspeakably Good,
what coined conceit can fly close to Thy Flame?
I am but a beggar in my prayers, my Lord.
Forgive me this try. Forgive me this try.
Let me never forget, my Lord, how deep was the pit was you pulled me from.