± H13.com - Something
Something5:44am sunday, 2nd april
Battling demons,
you went and lonely
scoured the barren lands
for the scraps of reason
you knew were there, somehow.
Or was that another life?
As if forgetting my forgetting,
images play into view,
of skies, brimming vaults
of golden light, or stars,
airs impossibly cleansing;
of mountains, distant,
that speak of valiant hopes;
of love that never forgot.
Where have I been,
I ask myself, that I could have
traveled so far, both away
and into myself? …I thought
I saw you, in the corner of my eye,
like you wanted to go
straight into the next world,
and put this all behind you,
but you stayed, here
where the winter snow
strayed down from the heavens
as if it had no home, here
where the meaning
ultimately lay, here
where you won… something.

  reflection9:30pm wednesday, 5th april
After you had spent all of your reasoning reading books, although not living their words, you were lost.Child.

  reflection9:34pm wednesday, 5th april
yes it is the end.You'd be a fool to think otherwise.

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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