God is love. I find no other phrase in the English language comes close to the sublimity of these three words. God is love. It makes it plain and clear the most mysterious of wonders, distills to the quick the essence of the most profound, it bows the heights of Heaven down into our meager hearts. God is love. It is church bells resounding, it is dawn across a thousand places, it is a lone star to guide the way — let it be etched in my soul.
3:49am thursday, 22nd november
happy thanksgiving. i like your journal, it seems very interesting, more so than most i stumble onto. mine's at : http://www.moshfest.org/dave if you'd like to see it. not much really, just a personal journal, and i've recently re-started it (erased it) so it's only got a few days in it.
do you all celebrate thanksgiving there? if not, ignore my u.s. ignorance. thank you. but if you do, happy thanksgiving.
dave : dave@moshfest.org
3:51am thursday, 22nd november
okay - i feel stupid, you moved to the u.s. when you were little. of course you know what thanksgiving is. again, forgive me lame ignorance. i'll read on.
4:40am thursday, 22nd november
Have a happy thanksgiving Stand!
6:16am thursday, 22nd november
Thanks, LG. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
11:01am thursday, 22nd november
I'm glad I found your journal. I have schizoaffective disorder and I found your site looking for information on it. I like your writing very much so. I will come back to visit you often.
11:31pm thursday, 22nd november
Love depends on your religion in that case. Although, with anything you could create such a phrase. _______ is love. Whether it be God or Life or Freedom or what have you. No matter what you place in this space, it all comes down to how much you believe it. Say you choose Love to occupy the space. Love is love. Then you spend your life believing that you cannot live without an affection for someone or something else. Perhaps you select Freedom. Freedom is love. Then everyday you live your life with a passion for its essence. Simply because you know that without that sense of independant love, you will cease to exist.
- a thought for your soul
12:44am friday, 23rd november
I think you're missing my point. It is not the goal, I think, to describe what love is. "God is love" describes what God is, and that's where I'm coming from. If you're not religiously bent, perhaps that doesn't mean much to you, but it quite does it for me.
3:53am friday, 23rd november
You are right in a sense about me. Not being "religiously bent". I have endured many religions. I do not favor one over another. I do not follow any of them either. I do not wish to create false pretentions. I too have "problems" and wish to remain unnamed.
If your point is that God is love. Then could God not only be hate to others, as well as love? Thus making him two sided. A noble figure who has many faces. A man, if you will, that consumes many identities. Never revealing the truth.
-these are just thoughts. I do not wish to cause trouble. Just to see everything with an open mind.
4:14am friday, 23rd november
I think that "God is love" would be a metaphysical statement — something akin to love as the substance of which God is comprised. And I once read this: "God is love, but God is not a muffin. The love of God can be like a blast of arctic wind."
6:27am saturday, 1st december
Only angry because I agree and I hope it's not a sign of Schizophrenia. I have heard the Lord speak to me telling me I am the Christ.
6:29am saturday, 1st december
7:00am saturday, 1st december
I responded on the December 1 comments. Please, if you want, email me, too: stand@h13.com.
5:41pm monday, 3rd december
I too am a Schizophrenica, I heard there was no cure? I am glad that you still have a strong faith in God. Sometimes, I feel like telling about my "schizophrenic" episode and some of the odder/strange thoughts that I have even now, but then I think--no, they'd think I was crazy. Lol. I am trying to live "normal" and act "normal" and keep the psycho parts/thoughts/wonderings hidden...I hope to give something positive to the world, seems like what you are doing too...good luck.
4:14pm thursday, 25th april
This an awesome entry. So true and I love it. Absolutely beautiful.
9:38pm thursday, 25th april
i have read this entry, and i feel that it is so true, and honesty helps people overcome thier fear of what others will think about them. I know.
11:31pm sunday, 28th april
Incredible. This entire thing is just too incredible.
9:03am monday, 29th april
"god is love"
Is that to say what god is? for if so it doesn't make sense, for what is hate?
Doesn't god encompass all things, for nothing is possible without god (or that which is the beginner) therefore should it not read "God is Everything"
If god is love than god is also hate.
for that is the action of life, for if all was love or all was hate life would not exist would it? you need the positive to have friction with the negative in order to have action, (animation) , life. If all was the same, it would be neutral; and that means no action... (the black, maybe)
which is what I would rather it be a lot of the time...but that's just my perspective...