± H13.com - Think/Believe
Think/Believe12:55am monday, 18th september
We think these things without knowing why, believe what we believe without question. And I speak not only of those who call themselves faithful; the cynical, too, have their own sacraments, their own tenets of indoctrination. Who of us here knows just why they act as they do, why they smile when they smile, what exact tragedies will tug at their heartstrings? Myself, I know that I have deceived mine own eyes at times with that there were devout justifications for my dealings with mindsets and heartsinks. We believe what we believe without understanding anything at all, misinterpreting all the signs; we think these things that concern the import of our existences without stepping back to see that we clutch at straws, in a desperation of being without even the illusion of something. And not believing anything at all, or so one may think of himself: this is illusion, too, for we all stand upon something, whether he choose to acknowledge that there is gravity at all.

There is wisdom in Socrates, who said that the only thing he knew was that he knew nothing. Most of us do not even know this much; I certainly think I know some things, and that is the trap. That is the illusion. We think these things and think ourselves in a special position, think ourselves outstanding, when we are mere elements in a crowd who all believe so; we believe what we believe and think our faith is strong, especially those who believe that there is nothing to believe at all, for we have never been truly tested. Understand, perhaps, that knowing nothing does not mean you forget your own name, nor does not mean some radical enlightenment within some mystic veil of mystery. It is merely the humility that comes from gazing into the infinite, and seeing how small you truly are. We believe what we believe without ever thinking that we could be wrong, and how wrong we are, really; we think these things and it never occurs to us that thought is not enough.

So, what do you know? What do you think? What do you believe? Don’t say nothing. You and I both don’t really know what that is.

  Reflection11:42pm monday, 18th september
I suggest everyone who reads this become a vegetarian. I have and it has brought so much peace and clarity in my mind.Its kinda weird, when you start coming down from years of madness, its almost just as weird as when the madness begun.You wouldn't eat your pet.

  Reflection11:46pm monday, 18th september
God is an old guy with a beard and a staff.

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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